Practical Information

Institut Fourier (IF)

100 Rue des Mathématiques, 38610 Gières  (45.19304475923384, 5.772201240131703).

For information on how to reach the institute, please see the IF page here (english is in the second half of the page).


Conference Room: The talks will take place in room B29 (Salle de Lecture). The room is located on the ground floor of the institute, in the section of the entrance hall that is situated between the two glass-doors with wooden frames. 


Lunch on Tuesday: Lunch of the second day will be at the Restaurant universitaire Diderot - Crous Grenoble Alpes, located inside the university campus at 40 Rue des Universités, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères (a 10 minutes walk from the institute). We will hand you special tickets for lunch and coffee there on this day. 


Conference Dinner: The dinner on Tuesday will be at the L'EPICURIEN Restaurant, 1 Place aux Herbes 38000 Grenoble, tel: 0033(0)4 76 51 96 06. You can reach it by bus via the bus stop Notre-Dame Musée.


All coffee breaks and the Buffet on Wednesday: These will be in front of the conference room B29. 

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